Friday, October 3, 2014

Favorite Film Friday

My favorite movie is Amber Alert. It's a movie I think everybody should watch, especially parents because it teaches us to take care of our siblings or your kids. If you're at a park or somewhere, where there is a lot of people, don't let your kids out of your sight because in a blink of an eye they can be taken away from you, maybe forever. Tell your kids to not talk to strangers or to not get in a car with someone they don't know. If someone is telling them to get in the car they should at least scream or do something. 

The movie is based on something that does happen. It could happen in your own neighborhood, it could even happen to someone you know or it could happen to you. You just never know. Did you know that every 20 seconds a kid in America gets kidnapped? Shocking isn't it? We need to be careful because the society we live in now, is mest up. Some kids get lucky and get brought back to their families safe and sound and some kids aren't as lucky and are found dead. They have nobody there to protect them from getting hurt by their predator and that's the sad part. 

My favorite part of the movie is when they start chasing the car that was put up on the Amber Alert. They don't stop chasing it until they get to the predators house with the little girl he has kidnapped. The sad part is when the people who were chasing the car end up dying in the predators house because they get shot. They had the little girl in their arms but the predator was already in the house and shot both of the grown ups. The little girl that was kidnapped made it out alive and got brought back to her family safe and sound. 

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