Monday, November 24, 2014

Blog Free Choice

I'm just going to talk about my best friend, Vanessa. She's not even my best friend, she's honestly like a sister to me. Whenever her and I are together we always have fun and we're always laughing. We just do so much together. A day with her is a day well spent. We don't go to the same school but we still are best friends no matter what. Her and I made a promise, I can't say what the promise is because it's personal but all you should know that it's a promise I'm going to keep and never break because this promise means so much to us. Yeah, her and I have had our ups and downs but we always get through it no matter what, we just can't stay mad at each other. She's the best friend I have ever had. She's always there for me and I'm always there for her too. She made me a stronger person, she taught me that I really do have a purpose in life and that everything will just be okay. She won't ever be replaced, and I won't be replaced because that was our second promise, to be best friends till the very end. I can honestly say that I would rather loose all my other friends but her. I don't know where I would be without her. She's just a great friend, if you were to meet her you'd love her.

Friday, October 31, 2014


My best Halloween was last year, 2013. I went trick-or-treating with my best friend. Well she's no longer my best friend or my friend but we had so much fun. We dressed up as nerds and went for candy. We were having so much fun we didn't even notice where we were going, we ended up getting lost. We didn't care though because we were having so much fun. 

We got so much candy that day. We stopped walking at some point because we got tired, so we went to a park and sat down and we put our candy together, it was a lot. We ate some and then we both got the same amount of candy, she got half and I got the other half, so it was fare. Once we got up to get get more candy we felt sick, it was a good sick though, because we were laughing so much and eating so much candy but, we got up either way and went for more candy. 

We realized that it was getting kind of late so we started heading back to Costa Mesa High School because that's where her and I met up to go trick-or-treating. At this point we were no longer lost we already knew where we were so we were okay. As we were going back to the school we met up with these other friends and we hung out with them for a couple of minutes and then they left so my best friend and I just stayed at the school for an hour and just stayed there eating more candy and laughing. 

At the end of the night, we both went our separate ways, she went home one way and I went home the other way. It was scary walking home at night by myself because there's so many creeps but I made it home safe. So yeah that was my best halloween. Although her and I are no longer best friends or friends anymore, she made my Halloween 2013 so much fun and I thank her for that and for being such a great friend. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


I have a few goals actually like three or so but I'm going to talk about one that means a lot to me and it's personal. One of my main goals is to stay strong. I have struggles, everybody does right? Nobody's perfect everybody's unique in their own ways. I need to start taking care of myself. No more hurting myself emotionally and physically. I will do whatever it takes for me to start loving myself. If it means going back to the crazy hospital, then I will. I just really need to achieve this goal to make my mom proud of me. 

To achieve this goal I need to get rid of all the sharp objects I have. I really need to stop keeping everything bottled up inside me because every time I do I always and some how end up exploding and end up hurting myself physically, wether it's cuts or burns. I guess that's just my way of letting the pain out but, it's not the best choice. I need to start using my coping skills that I learned from my past therapist. It's safer. I learned a lot from her, which is why I'm kind of considering to go back. I would always say to myself that all of it was a waste of time and that It never helped me but, I guess I was wrong because now I'm struggling even more. 

I know that I will achieve this goal. It'll be tough but I'll be doing baby steps. I'm not only doing this for me I'm doing this for the people that love and care about me. I believe in myself and I know I'm going to do just great. People walk in and out of my life but all it does is makes me a stronger person and if it means that I'm going to go through this on my own then I will. I know everybody has a story and they'll eventually get through it you just got to pull through. 
I'm not doing this for attention I'm doing this because I want to become an inspiration and show that I am strong, I'm still here aren't I?  

Friday, October 3, 2014

Favorite Film Friday

My favorite movie is Amber Alert. It's a movie I think everybody should watch, especially parents because it teaches us to take care of our siblings or your kids. If you're at a park or somewhere, where there is a lot of people, don't let your kids out of your sight because in a blink of an eye they can be taken away from you, maybe forever. Tell your kids to not talk to strangers or to not get in a car with someone they don't know. If someone is telling them to get in the car they should at least scream or do something. 

The movie is based on something that does happen. It could happen in your own neighborhood, it could even happen to someone you know or it could happen to you. You just never know. Did you know that every 20 seconds a kid in America gets kidnapped? Shocking isn't it? We need to be careful because the society we live in now, is mest up. Some kids get lucky and get brought back to their families safe and sound and some kids aren't as lucky and are found dead. They have nobody there to protect them from getting hurt by their predator and that's the sad part. 

My favorite part of the movie is when they start chasing the car that was put up on the Amber Alert. They don't stop chasing it until they get to the predators house with the little girl he has kidnapped. The sad part is when the people who were chasing the car end up dying in the predators house because they get shot. They had the little girl in their arms but the predator was already in the house and shot both of the grown ups. The little girl that was kidnapped made it out alive and got brought back to her family safe and sound. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

How many handshakes?

1. 10 people 45 handshakes
2. 11 people 55 handshakes 
3. 20 people 100 handshakes

As one person shakes a hand the remaining number decreases. Must add all numbers lower then the number of people.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

being charitable

The charity i'm working on is A Child Is Missing. It's to look for a child that is missing and bring them back home to their families. 70% of kids get abducted by a family member or a family friend. Sometimes they have to update an Amber Alert to let people know that there is a kid missing. Some of Amber Alerts can get sent to your phone. Every 40 seconds a child goes missing in the United States. 

This charity is really important to me because no parent wants to feel that pain of their kid missing. Some kids can get killed and it's heartbreaking. If you see a child getting abducted call police, right away. Right now at this very moment am abduction can take place. We don't want kids to be found dead, we want them to make it home safe.  

Right now a mother or father can be grieving that their child is missing here in the United States. Every 40 seconds a child goes missing. They're either going to get molested and murdered and they won't have anyone there to protect them from getting hurt by their predator. It's important for this to stop now. Tons of kids get home safe and sound but, others don't. It's heartbreaking. Your kid has a 1 in 42 chance of going missing. Be careful and watch out for your kids. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bucket List

1. Go to England - I want to go there because one of my friend lives there and I've never seen her before and I really want to see her. It's like a long distance friendship. We facetime or we talk through social media. Her and I just got really close, she's like my best friend now. 

2. Meet my inspiration - I really want to meet Demi Lovato. She's been my inspiration for such a long time now, I look up to her so much. She's such a strong person. I can relate to some of her music. Her and I been through almost the same thing. I can just relate to her so much. She's the one who made me a stronger person. 

3. Get a tattoo - I'm currently wanting a tattoo. One that means a lot to me and I've been into this tattoo ever since I was 12 years old. Stay Strong tattoo. "Stay" on my left wrist and "Strong" on my right wrist. I also want my moms name on my chest near my heart, not to big or not to small either. 

4. Send a message in a bottle - I would probably send one of my songs. To whoever finds it can keep it and possibly even make it their song and publish it online or something. I'd rather have someone sing my songs then me because I feel like I don't have the voice or maybe I do but I just don't have confidence in myself but, if my song gets found by someone I would like credit for writing it. 

5. Learn tricks on my pennyboard - All I really do on my pennyboard is cruise around. I want to start doing tricks on my board. Sometimes it gets boring just cruising around. I'll start off easy so I won't get hurt. Then I'll work my way to doing more harder and challenging tricks. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

My top three movies I like

 1. The conjuring 

The Conjuring is my all time favorite movie. It's a horror movie, it's based on a true story that happened long ago. There's a family who moves into the old house, they didn't know the history of the house or who lived in it before they did but, not to long till they find out there is some paranormal stuff going on in that house. I watch this movie all the time. 

2. Amber Alert 

Amber Alert is a great movie. It's about a little girl who gets kidnapped by a guy and these 3 people try to rescue the little girl. They see a car that looks similar to the one on the Amber Alert sign so they decide to follow it. Soon they found the predators house and they decided to go in and save the little girl, do you think they made it out alive? Think twice. 

3. Cyberbully 

Cyberbully is a good movie to watch with your kids. It teaches you how words can hurt a person to the point where they feel like suicide is the only answer. Nobody deserves to feel that way. If you're getting bullied or you know someone getting bullied speak up before it's to late.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My favorite hobby

My favorite hobby has got to be skating. It’s my passion. I do it all the time. I don’t go one day without skating because it just takes things off my  mind. The only thing you’re really focused on is just your board, nothing else. In my case, I haven’t learned how to do tricks, I just cruise around listening to music. My legs are sometimes sore because I cruise around to many places that I’ve never been to. At the same time the sore feels good. 

You might think I use a skateboard but no, I use a penny board. It’s a smaller board but it’s what I’m use to. I’ve fallen down my board a few times and I’ve gotten severely hurt but that doesn’t stop me from using my penny board. There was a time where I almost went to the hospital but, I didn’t go. Why? because I wasn’t going down that easy. Many people tell me to give up including my family, it hurts me but I won’t let peoples opinions stop me from what I’m doing now. I feel like somewhere in the future I will be doing something bigger instead of just cruising around.

I have one at the moment and I’m planning to get a new one soon, It’ll take time to get use to it but I’ll learn eventually. It’s easy to learn actually, as long as you know your balance well enough then there is nothing to worry about. If you’re barely learning don’t go out on the streets and start cruising. Do easy steps, learn your balance and figure out what foot you’re going to use to peddle. Once you’ve got the hang of it go have fun. well there you have it, my favorite hobby. Skating.  

More Typing

                                          Lesson 1
                                          Lesson 2
                                          Lesson 3
                                          Lesson 4
                                          Lesson 5

Friday, September 5, 2014

about me

As you know already I’m Idania Carcamo. I was born here in California. I live at home with 3 older brothers, my mom and her boyfriend. My favorite color is black, red, blue and white. In middle school I wasn’t doing good well my 7th grade year I was doing good but my 8th grade year was not the best I got expelled from two schools, my mom would be called to come pick me up because I was either suspended or I would have to go home with her because my behavior was bad but that all came down to one problem, depression. I was having personal issues that would get me to act up and just go crazy. My life isn’t perfect, nobody’s is actually. I started doing things with my friends I wasn’t suppose to be doing. My depression ruined my life. I want to recover from all of this and I know that one day I will, maybe not today or tomorrow or next week but one day i’ll go back to being a happy girl again like I was before.

I lost myself and I can’t seem to find my way back anymore, I’m lost in my own head. My mind played so many tricks on me it’s hard but I just need to stay strong for the people that love me. Anyways lets get off this topic, I feel like it’s too personal and depressing. I got good news that this Summer coming up, Summer 2015, I’m going to France, Australia and England. I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve never been out of California and I’ve never been on an airplane so this trip is gonna be a big experience for me. Well, I’m new to Back Bay and i’m loving it here. I don’t want to leave this school ever, I want to graduate from here. My two older brothers I’m not sure if you know them, their names are Alvin And Ivan, they both graduated from this school and they loved it here. I got hit by a car just recently, it wasn’t that bad just my leg hurt for like one week or two, it still hurts this very day.