Tuesday, October 7, 2014


I have a few goals actually like three or so but I'm going to talk about one that means a lot to me and it's personal. One of my main goals is to stay strong. I have struggles, everybody does right? Nobody's perfect everybody's unique in their own ways. I need to start taking care of myself. No more hurting myself emotionally and physically. I will do whatever it takes for me to start loving myself. If it means going back to the crazy hospital, then I will. I just really need to achieve this goal to make my mom proud of me. 

To achieve this goal I need to get rid of all the sharp objects I have. I really need to stop keeping everything bottled up inside me because every time I do I always and some how end up exploding and end up hurting myself physically, wether it's cuts or burns. I guess that's just my way of letting the pain out but, it's not the best choice. I need to start using my coping skills that I learned from my past therapist. It's safer. I learned a lot from her, which is why I'm kind of considering to go back. I would always say to myself that all of it was a waste of time and that It never helped me but, I guess I was wrong because now I'm struggling even more. 

I know that I will achieve this goal. It'll be tough but I'll be doing baby steps. I'm not only doing this for me I'm doing this for the people that love and care about me. I believe in myself and I know I'm going to do just great. People walk in and out of my life but all it does is makes me a stronger person and if it means that I'm going to go through this on my own then I will. I know everybody has a story and they'll eventually get through it you just got to pull through. 
I'm not doing this for attention I'm doing this because I want to become an inspiration and show that I am strong, I'm still here aren't I?  

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