Friday, October 31, 2014


My best Halloween was last year, 2013. I went trick-or-treating with my best friend. Well she's no longer my best friend or my friend but we had so much fun. We dressed up as nerds and went for candy. We were having so much fun we didn't even notice where we were going, we ended up getting lost. We didn't care though because we were having so much fun. 

We got so much candy that day. We stopped walking at some point because we got tired, so we went to a park and sat down and we put our candy together, it was a lot. We ate some and then we both got the same amount of candy, she got half and I got the other half, so it was fare. Once we got up to get get more candy we felt sick, it was a good sick though, because we were laughing so much and eating so much candy but, we got up either way and went for more candy. 

We realized that it was getting kind of late so we started heading back to Costa Mesa High School because that's where her and I met up to go trick-or-treating. At this point we were no longer lost we already knew where we were so we were okay. As we were going back to the school we met up with these other friends and we hung out with them for a couple of minutes and then they left so my best friend and I just stayed at the school for an hour and just stayed there eating more candy and laughing. 

At the end of the night, we both went our separate ways, she went home one way and I went home the other way. It was scary walking home at night by myself because there's so many creeps but I made it home safe. So yeah that was my best halloween. Although her and I are no longer best friends or friends anymore, she made my Halloween 2013 so much fun and I thank her for that and for being such a great friend. 

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